Namaste Czech Republic

Ever wondered what Namaste would look like in Czech Republic?

We are in little bit different position than other champions. We use Namaste not just as technique or an activity for people with dementia, but as a tool through which we could improve whole care home and a level of care. We believe that the most beautiful part of care givers proffesion is to spend some time with each client. We use Namaste as a tool how to stop in daily routine and think about each client’s story and needs. Now we have been working in two care homes. In one we have been since January 2020, one year and we can see first results. As one of the caregivers said: “Now I see our clients in different light. I understand that each of them is different.” We believe that this is the point when dignity and really good care start.

Ever wondered what Namaste would look like in Czech Republic?

Jsme v trochu jiné pozici než ostatní šampioni. Namaste používáme nejen jako techniku nebo aktivitu pro lidi s demencí, ale jako nástroj, jehož prostřednictvím bychom mohli zlepšit celý pečovatelský dům a úroveň péče. Věříme, že nejkrásnější částí péče je strávit nějaký čas s každým klientem. Namaste používáme jako nástroj, jak se zastavit v každodenní rutině a přemýšlet o příběhu a potřebách každého klienta. Nyní pracujeme ve dvou pečovatelských domech. V jednom jsme od ledna 2020, jeden rok a vidíme první výsledky. Jak řekl jeden z pečovatelů: “Nyní vidím naše klienty v jiném světle. Chápu, že každý z nich je jiný.” Domníváme se, že právě v tomto bodě začíná důstojnost a opravdu dobrá péče. Během sabatu je vše složitější, ale pro některé pečovatele namaste znamená šanci na aktivitu, protože pravidelné aktivity jsou zrušeny. Rosteme krok za krokem.
During covid everything is more complicated, but for some caregivers Namaste means a chance for activity, because regular activities are canceled. We are growing step by step. Each care home in which we are means dozens of more satisfied clients and dozens of more satisfied caregivers. Our plan is offer Namaste to three care homes every year. Our vision is that Namaste care is a way how to measure a quality of care and how to start with discussion “What is the principle of care giver profession? Do they have a really good conditions for it?” We believe that Namaste could be a breaking point in some point of view. Sometimes people say: “Namaste care? Kindness? It’s something alternative?” Our response is: “When we believe that kindness is something alternative, we are lost.” Our goal is remind to public, that kindness is the basic of any care. Namaste care is our guide and compass.
Každý pečovatelský dům, ve kterém jsme, znamená desítky spokojenějších klientů a desítky spokojenějších pečovatelů. Naším plánem je nabídnout Namaste každý rok tři pečovatelské domy. Naší vizí je, že péče o Namaste je způsob, jak měřit kvalitu péče a jak začít diskusí “Jaký je princip pečovatelské profese? Mají na to opravdu dobré podmínky?” Věříme, že Namaste by mohl být v určitém pohledu zlomový bod. Někdy lidé říkají: “Namaste péče? Laskavost? Je to něco alternativního?” Naše odpověď je: “Když věříme, že laskavost je něco alternativního, jsme ztraceni.” Naším cílem je připomenout veřejnosti, že laskavost je základem každé péče. Namaste péče je náš průvodce a kompas.

Namaste Care Family Programme In Czech Republic

MILA Conference, Czech Republic

On 15 2022 September charity organisation MILA hosted a one day conference at boutique cinema ‘Presence’ in Prague. This event, which was attended by over 60 delegates fielded keynote speakers including Care Home Manager Michaela Žáčková: Karolina Puttová, Manager, MILA; Martina Dvořáková, Data Analyst, MILA; Klára Laurenčíková, Government Commissioner for Human Rights and Rishi Jawaheer representing Namaste Care International. On the theme “How to improve conditions for care givers?” lively discussion centred around this important question and was especially focused on the need for caregivers to be supported with the right working conditions to ensure their best delivery.

Namaste Czech Republic In Action

Have a look through all the amazing pictures we have captured. If you do have any photos that you would like to share with us then please feel free to share with us at

Simona Bagarová

Simona expounds business professionals in corporate companies to help meaningfully and non-profit organisations to think in business-like ways. Through consultations, mentoring, external project management, she collaborates with projects that have decided to professionalize their activities and with companies that have decided to share their success and support high quality socially responsible organisations. With her social worker education she is able to combine the heart of a social worker and the brain of a manager. For her, Namaste care is not just a technique for patients but also the key to professionalize and support teams in care homes and to strengthen dignity in the social sphere. For patients, for nurses, for care givers, for all.

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